Social Projects

Each year, Staatsolie allocates a budget for CSI activities, including
Community Development, Community Assistance, and donations.
Below, you'll find an overview of some of our social projects.

Helping Hands: Staatsolie employees participate hands-on in volunteer projects

Helping Hands: Staatsolie employees participate hands-on in volunteer projects

Staatsolie’s "Helping Hands" program has been established to support the growing needs of the Surinamese community. This initiative encourages our employees to actively participate in volunteer projects, using their time, knowledge, and skills for projects that have a lasting impact.

Collaborative effort in Nickerie elderly care: senior complex becomes a reality

Collaborative effort in Nickerie elderly care: senior complex becomes a reality

With a USD 50,000.00 contribution from Staatsolie, the "Senior Complex Nickerie" has been successfully completed. This project provides living facilities for seniors in Nickerie who cannot live independently or need temporary accommodation. The complex also supports women in distress and contributes to the community by promoting safe housing and social interaction.