Social Projects

Each year, Staatsolie allocates a budget for CSI activities, including
Community Development, Community Assistance, and donations.
Below, you'll find an overview of some of our social projects.

Diakonessenhuis receives crucial equipment for pediatric and cancer care

Diakonessenhuis receives crucial equipment for pediatric and cancer care

Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V., through the Staatsolie Foundation for Community Development, has made a significant contribution to improve healthcare in Suriname.

Staatsolie renovates toilet facilities at five schools

Staatsolie renovates toilet facilities at five schools

A clean and safe learning environment is a basic right for every child and essential for their development. Unfortunately, the restroom facilities at these five schools were in very poor condition. By investing in the renovation of these restrooms, we aim to contribute to a healthier and more stimulating learning environment.

Staatsolie donates modern laser equipment to AZP to prevent blindness

Staatsolie donates modern laser equipment to AZP to prevent blindness

Staatsolie heeft $150.000 toegewezen voor de renovatie van drie scholen in Commewijne en Marowijne, om bij te dragen aan een betere leeromgeving en kwalitatief hoogwaardig onderwijs voor de leerlingen.