Staatsolie funds a new care classroom for O.S. Skroetjieweg in Nickerie.

O.S. Skroetjieweg now has a care classroom, a renovated building, and a refurbished playground. These improvements will significantly enhance student achievement and well-being.

Project Details

Donation Amount
US$ 15.750



What was donated


Source of funds

Date period of delivery

Background Information

The Staatsolie Foundation is proud to have completed the construction and renovation of the O.S. Skroetjieweg school in Nickerie.
We will not soon forget the happy faces and the self-written song of the children.

A care classroom is a special space within a school that is designed to provide additional support to students. This support may be needed for various reasons, such as learning difficulties, behavioral problems, or emotional issues. In a care room, students can receive individual or small group instruction from a teacher or teaching assistant. They can work quietly, complete assignments, or simply relax.

The goal of a care classroom is to help students achieve their learning goals and develop socially and emotionally. In this safe environment, students can work at their own pace and receive the attention they need.
