Staatsolie donates modern laser equipment to AZP to prevent blindness

Staatsolie donates advanced laser devices to the AZP for the treatment of glaucoma and diabetes, two major causes of blindness in Suriname.

Project Details

Donation Amount
Euro 100,000


Academisch Ziekenhuis Paramaribo (AZP), Suriname Eye Center


Patients with glaucoma and diabetes mellitus in Suriname

What was donated

Two advanced laser devices for the treatment of glaucoma and diabetes


Preventing blindness in patients with glaucoma and diabetes mellitus through laser treatment

Source of funds

Staatsolie Foundation

Date period of delivery


Background Information

Staatsolie made a significant donation to the Academic Hospital Paramaribo (AZP). The donation included two advanced laser devices, which form the basis of the treatment of two of the three main causes of blindness in Suriname: glaucoma and diabetes mellitus. With laser treatment, blindness in this group of patients can be prevented.

What makes this donation extra special is that the two laser devices supplied are the only ones in Suriname that can be used for these important treatments, and they will have a significant impact on improving eye care and preventing eye diseases.

Mr. Jerrel Pawiroredjo, Medical Head of the Suriname Eye Center, emphasized the importance of this donation by saying: "We are extremely grateful for this, because the financial situation in the country is known in healthcare. We can really appreciate that companies, but also individuals, spontaneously offer to help."

Mr. Henri Henar, Vice Chairman of the Staatsolie Foundation, explained that this donation was not achieved without challenges. The Foundation receives many requests for financial support, but decided to postpone other projects to the future in order to make this donation possible. The financial aspect was also a challenge, as the donation is a significant part of the Foundation's budget. Nevertheless, the importance of the investment was clear. The donation has a value of approximately EUR 100,000.

Staatsolie is grateful to have been able to make a significant contribution to eye care in Suriname. This donation underlines the value of cooperation between the private sector and healthcare to bring about positive change. We remain committed to supporting good health and well-being for Surinamese people.
